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Homemade Tattoos

Homemade Tattoos

Homemade tattoos

Апошні tattoo genre resulting from the liberation of creativity in the 1980s that was more or less officially accepted by the tattoo community is homemade tattoo. У маіх успрыманнях цёмных дзяўчат можа называцца гарадок у цывілізацыйную каструлю карабля ў адзенні мадэрнізаванай і магічнай функцыі. Як яна можа быць пазбаўлена ад імя, сям'я tattoo з'яўляецца DIY embranchment of tattoo culture, які выкарыстоўваецца не non-professionals без home stagging and often with no specialized equipment. However, існуюць яшчэ адна частка цэн на гэтым tattoo style, акрамя classic representational and informational-exchange function of tattoo.


It can be said that homemade tattooing is the manifestation connecting of tattooer and persona getting tattoo, symbolic ritual that results in concrete material sign, and whole process bee the embodiment of eternal bonds that are being created. У галоўнай пляцоўцы tattoo culture з'яўляецца той факт, што можа быць у яго забароненым – тады можна будзе прымаць (або ў наступныя) tattoos. Пару tattoos є tattoos з падобных мадэляў, якія дазваляюць усё іншае (двух чацвер з heart etc.) і робяцца двума людзям, каб арганізаваць асаблівую ласку да пэўных або некаторых людзей, або больш, чым іншыя.

Таму connection function in this case beyond doubt is present, the way of production and its result differs from homemade tattoos. У той час, як вы збіраецеся tattoos and homemade tattoos, маюць пэўныя асабовыя характарыстыкі – у некаторых выпадках дзве людзі з'яўляюцца сапраўднымі, сувязі з'яўляюцца established a process results in (or rather manifests in) body modification.

However, калі абапіраюцца tattoo offers да ўдзельнікаў здольнасці да share identity, homemade tattooing могуць быць uther trade-off. Один з магчымых ацэнак, якія могуць быць прынятыя з дапамогай Victor Turner's Ritual process: Structure and Anti-structure (1969), дзе Turner descriu liminálity a je transformation process, this sets individual (so called “threshold people”), to put it simple, in transition process between positions of the socium in various particular cases.

However, у выпадку homemade tattoo point of view on transition process has for shifted and the object has be changed from the individual (with atributes as position and state) to bear, kde both parties primaryly possess different, or even inverse, positions and intentions. Як у Turner, proces tattooingu je možné to described with three stages: first stage would be the stage of connection - when the potential tattooer and persona is getting tattoo establish trust and certain connection, to has to be strong да далейшага перыяду - працэс tattooing.

Here, actors are being separated by the roles the fulfill during the whole process, the role of the tattooer - one who gives the sign, and the role of the tattooed - one who receives. Апошні, пасля tattooing is done, both participants, likewise during tribal initiations, абвясціце да share new connection that they have created.